Youth Safety: Child Abuse and Bullying

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Youth Safety: Child Abuse and Bullying Brittney Elliott Abstract Youth Safety: Child Abuse and Bullying Child abuse and bully is something that everyone is familiar with. Whether a person has been through it, witness it happening to someone or help someone through it. Bullying can happen at any time and has a traumatic effect on a person’s life. Child abuse and bullying can be tied together because in a few cases children that have been exhibited to some type of abuse or wrong treatment they tend to lead to inappropriate actions which could include bullying. These aspects play a role in how a person deals with life and different situations that they may go through. Being bullied and abused as a child is something that can change your life. People do not pay attention to those actions that are taking place until something happens. When a child is abused sometimes they also exhibit severe behavioral issues. These aspects play a role in how a person deals with life and different situations that they may go through. Being bullied and abused as a child is something that can change your life. In today’s society children deal with life threatening issues as well as adults. Child abuse and bullying are two of the tops cases of death and issues dealing with children. A child’s weak mind is unable to deal with such impacting and severe issues that have an effect on their daily life process. Child abuse and bullying can start anywhere from at home to school, to the different atmospheres that they are present in. In a few cases child abuse and bullying can be a cause and effect situation. Cause and effect from the action of being abused as a child, to lead the child into the action of becoming a bully because of prior issues. According to bullying is defined as “a blustering, quarrelsome, overbearing person who habitually badgers and

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