[11] Ibid. [12] “Irena Mendler: An Unsung Heroine,” (Accessed April 12, 2014); available from http://www.auschwitz.dk/sendler.htm [13] Ibid. [14] “Jewish Victims of the Holocaust:Hidden Children,” Jewish Virtual Library (Accessed April 1, 2014); available from http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/Holocaust/hidden.html [15] Jennifer Rosenberg, Hidden Children (Accessed April 1,2014); available from http://history1900s.about.com/od/holocaust/a/hiddenchildren.htm [16] Ibid. [17] “Anne Frank,” (Accessed April 17, 2014); available from www.history.com/topics/world-war-ii/anne-frank [18] Ibid. [19] “Types of Camps,” The Holocaust Explained, (Accessed April 14, 2014); available from http://www.theholoacaustexplained.org [20] Ibid.
Some states are now viewing domestic violence as a public health concern, in regards to domestic violence being a social disease. I am studying psychology at Ashford University and I have already taken Early Childhood Development. I can see how this could be viewed as a social disease. We learn from our parents, good and bad. You could view children becoming abusers themselves via Freud's ego and super ego theory, which it could be argued that in early development a child sees the way to get what they want and or need via coersion, violence, complaining, yelling, or how ever the child perceives the parent obtaining that which they want.
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The Psychodynamic application and treatment of antisocial personality disorder is linked with the assumption that the sufferers are born into dysfunctional families with physical abuse tendencies, cruel, and are emotionally turbulent (Akhtar, 1992). Consequentially, children that are born into this type of aforementioned family setting may experience helplessness feelings especially when their parents are unleashing barrages of anger and violence on them. As a result, such child may resort into using defense mechanism of identification with the
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