Annotated Bibliography On Child Abuse

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Annotated Bibliography Jayling Liriano February 14, 2012 English 1 Child Abuse "Child Abuse." Current Issues: Macmillan Social Science Library. Detroit: Gale,( 2010). Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 05 Feb. 2012. This journal is brief run through of what child abuse is and how to deal with this certain type of situation. It also goes through a timeline how child abuse became illegal and immoral. Before the 1900’s, Children from the age of five and six would be working long hours in mines and factories and Parents used beating as disciplining their children. Parents were free to raise their children as they wanted and considered family business a personal matter. The journal also states that…show more content…
Julia was 11 years old when her grandmother made her see a therapist about a certain paper she wrote. Julia wrote a paper about how he father made her touch him and how he would touch her and have sex with her. Julia tried trashing her paper but her classmates found it and gave it to the teacher who then called Protective Service. Protective Service ordered Julia to leave her home with her two young siblings and move in with their grandmother. Julia’s mother, Lori, also moved in with her mother. After two weeks of living with the grandparents, Lori decided to move back in with Howard, the kids father, and bring along the two youngest children. That is when the Protective Service told Lori that she would lose custody of her kids and that Howard would have to see a therapist. As soon as Lori and the two kids moved back in with Howard, Lori stopped visiting Julia which made lose relationship with both of her parents. Since then Julia was doing poorly in school and her behavior was changing, her grandmother decided to put her in some kind of treatment hoping her parents would join too. Julia’s behavior became worst and worst. She was starting to act out at home by refusing to do chores or homework, talking back and slamming doors. According to the author, “This sense of herself as bad, as well as her lack of trust in others, was in danger of becoming entrenched internal working…show more content…
"Chapter 1: Children with Disabilities Are at Greater Risk for Abuse." Child Abuse: Opposing Viewpoints. (2003): 38-43. Print Levendosky, AA, and M Buttenheim. "A Multi-Method Treatment for Child Survivors Of Sexual Abuse: An Intervention Informed By Relational and Trauma Theories." Journal of Child Sexual Abuse 9.2 (2000): 1-19. CINAHL Plus with Full Text. Web. 10 Feb. 2012 McKay, M. M. "The Link between Domestic Violence and Child Abuse: Assessment and Treatment Considerations" Child Welfare IXXIII: 1 (1994): 29-39. Web. 10 Feb. 2012. Radcliffe, Powers, and Karen MacGregor. "Chapter 1: Trafficking in Children Is a Serious Problem." Child Abuse. Farmington Hills, MI: Greenhaven, 2006. 28-31. Print. "Report shows steady decrease in child abuse and neglect." Policy & Practice (2011): 38. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 10 Feb. 2012. Papp, Adrienne. "THE TRUE STORY OF THE WORST CHILD ABUSE CASE IN U.S. RECORDED HISTORY ARTS CULTURE." Westside Today | Local West Los Angeles News. 28 July 2008. Web. 10 Feb. 2012.
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