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Child abuse has created massive sufferance of children and can cause negative outcomes through emotional instability in the mind and heart, painfulness of physical wounds, and can cause traumatic distress in the future. Although each parent and child may have their own problems, it is not fair if we let child abuse to happen because it can create senseless and complicated issues. Child abuse has created invisible pain to children’s emotions. According to the National Child Abuse Statistics in 2006, “80% of children getting abused can easily develop psychiatric disorders at the age of 21 such as depression, anxiety, and eating disorders.” The outcomes of a child being abused can create profound sadness, attempts of suicide, and can affect on his/her social life with others. “In Los Angeles 2003, Richard Jr. suffered abuse during high school at Don Boscov Technical Institute and resulted in depression and suicidal.” (Quinn) As a result, child abuse can bring down children’s self-esteem low and emotional instability in the mind and heart.
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