Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

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CBT 2 Abstract Objective: Childhood psychic trauma affects several areas of the brain which in relation causes behavioral problems. Traumatized children who are victims of physical or sexual abuse, neglect or other traumatic event is generally evaluated and supervised by therapist who provides trauma focused treatment. I will be providing information on realistic strategies used for managing dysfunctional emotions and behavior problems which is broken down by the trauma focused evidence base treatment also referred to as (EBT) used for children who are highly distress. Methods: Cognitive therapy looks to help children defeat difficulties. Treatment planning includes a balance of both trauma and behavioral focal point, working on ongoing behavioral problems and behavioral crises, modify distorted thinking so that families could have the knowledge to transfer, and children can learn how to talk through their experiences. Results: Cognitive therapy also incorporated with behavioral therapy practice to manage the behavioral regulation problems that commonly happens in traumatized children. Conclusions: Treating trauma related behavioral problems is a crucial part of trauma-focused treatment and is achievable if practice is done accordingly. This practice is important due to the common nature of behavioral dilemma in traumatized children (Cohen, 2007). CBT 3 Cognitive behavioral therapy is generally psychotherapy and behavioral therapy combined. Psychotherapy expresses the importance of personal meaning and our thinking patterns which begin in the stage of childhood. Cognitive behavioral therapy also known as CBT is a short term psychotherapy treatment that uses a concrete approach to problem solving. Its goal is the change the process of thinking for people with difficulties and in bad situation and their behavior with is associated with distress. CBT is

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