Play Therapy and Its Implication in Child Development

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Running-Head: Play Therapy Yves Gerald Play Therapy and its Implication in Child Development 2/7/12 Introduction Montaigne, a French classical writer and philosopher of 16th century made this statement: “If you wish to understand your child, you need to understand his play.” In fact, researchers consider play the leading vehicle for learning in childhood. Play is essential to young child’s health (Life-Span Development, p. 27) and has many functions. Theorists, indeed, have focused on different aspects of play and highlighted a long list of functions. According to Freud and Erikson, play helps the child master anxieties and conflicts (Lifespan, p.27). It permits the child to work off excess physical energy and to release unexpressed tensions. In fact, people who are interested in working with children diagnosed with mental health problems use sometimes play as therapeutic tools to allow the child to work off frustrations, and to analyze the child’s conflicts and ways of coping with them (Life-Span Development, p. 27). Therefore, Psychologists define play therapy as a form of counseling or psychotherapy that uses play to communicate with and help people, especially children, to prevent or resolve psychosocial challenges. This is thought to help them towards better social integration, growth and development (Association for Play Therapy, 2006). What are the implications of play therapy in child development? That is the question we will try to answer in our research paper. To answer such a question, first we will analyze and evaluate six literature reviews. Secondly, we will briefly discuss the importance of play therapy and its implications in child development in the light of the information from the literature reviews, as well as the course human growth and development and within the areas of psychology. Thirdly, we will conclude by making a brief

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