Describe a Successful Student

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Describe a successful student To be a successful student means that you should have acquired the habit of learning from high school and even primary school. First of all, the successful student attends classes on time. He comes in the classroom before the professor to get the information about the class. He is an active listener because every professor teaches differently. Many professors don’t write everything on the board and the student writes short notes in his notebook. They help him in studying at home and preparing for test. Although the things that the professor writes on the board are the most important, sometimes the notes are helpful. If the course requires lab hours, the student finds time to accomplish them, because this is 10 % of the grade. Successful student goes over the material before the class to understand it and to ask the professor if he doesn’t understand something. But, we know that the professor is not always around to answer the question, so the students in the group are able to help sometimes. Organization, responsibility and self-discipline are also characteristics of the successful student. He makes a schedule of the things that he has to do in order to achieve what he wants. He is doing in time everything that has to be done and he is always prepared. Out of studying, he has physical exercises that snatched his mind from the material that he learns, but keep it alert. Successful student has a vision about his life in future, what he will do after his graduating, what his work will be and which his responsibilities will

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