Cu1670 Understand and Enable Interaction and Communication with Individuals with Dementia

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1. Be able to communicate with individuals with dementia. 1.1 Effects of memory impairment on the ability of an individual with dementia to use verbal language is not being able to find suitable words, recall names or facts, confusion. Difficulty in finding a word, a related word might be given instead of one they cannot remember. They may speak fluently, but not make sense. They may not be able to understand what you are saying or only be able to grasp part of it. They may lose the normal social conventions of conversations and interrupt or ignore a speaker, or fail to respond when spoken to. They may have difficulty expressing emotions appropriately. 2. Be able to apply interaction and communication approaches with individuals in dementia. 2.1 Different techniques that can be used to facilitate positive interactions with an individual with dementia: • Remain calm and talk in a gentle, matter of fact way • Keep sentences short and simple, focusing on one idea at a time • Always allow plenty of time for what you have said to be understood • It can be helpful to use orienting names whenever you can, such as “Your son George”. • Try to avoid competing noises such as TV or radio • If you stay still while talking you will be easier to follow, especially if you stay in the person’s line of vision • Maintain regular routines to help minimise confusion and assist communication It is much less confusing if everyone uses the same approach. Repeating the message in exactly the same way is important for all the family and all carers. People retain their feelings and emotions even though they may not understand what is being said, so it is important to always maintain their dignity and self-esteem. Be flexible and always allow plenty of time for a response. Where appropriate, use touch to keep the person’s attention and to communicate feelings of warmth and affection.
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