Sensory Loss Essay

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Unit 393 – UNDERSTAND SENSORY LOSS 1.1 Sensory loss can often be a hidden disability which can frequently lead to isolation and frustration at not being able to communicate efficiently with other people. With hearing loss, day to day activities such as watching television, using the telephone, hearing the doorbell, or just taking part in conversations can produce feelings of inadequacy. Conversely, not being able to distinguish faces, read the time on a clock or drive can produce the same feelings in a person who has vision loss. Having a dual sensory loss compounds the frustration and isolation a person feels when trying to communicate effectively. Many blind and partially sighted people lose the ability to see gestures and facial expressions, which are important parts of communication. It becomes difficult for them to know when someone is speaking to them or even when the other person has wailed away. Written communication can be difficult for a person with low vision. Sometimes a larger font is needed, a different coloured paper for colour contrasting or the information on a disk or tape. Communication by text or e-mail can be accessed by having speech programmes installed on a computer or mobile telephone. Hearing loss interferes with face to face communication and can often cause older people to lose interest in everyday activities and in turn make them more likely to miss information given by their doctor, carer of family member. Older people who are losing their hearing often rely on their eyesight to compensate for this. In conversation they will watch the other person’s face and lips and use clues about the context to try to respond appropriately. However people who are losing both their hearing and their vision will find it difficult to look for clues in the conversation. This will be particularly severe with a person who has central

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