Communication in Health and Social Care.

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UNIT TITLE: INTRODUCTION TO COMMUNICATION IN HEALTH SOCIAL CARE UNIT CODE: SHC 21 LEARNING OUTCOME 1 1.1 Identify the most common reasons why people need to communicate. Human beings are socially minded and we love to interact with other people around us in order to make and develop relationships, share information and ideas, give and receive support, express thoughts and emotions such as fear, anger, pain, love and also to avoid mixed communication and tension. 1.2(a) Identify the range of people you communicate with in your work settings. At work, I communicate with service users, colleagues, relatives and visitors, supervisor, manager, medical staff and colleagues from other agencies. (b) Explain the importance of achieving effective communication patterns with people you work with As a carer, I must be able to communicate effectively with the people I provide care and support for to build trust and to make them satisfied with the care provided. Also communication with colleagues is important to promote good teamwork inorder to improve the health and wellbeing to the people we care for. 1.3(a) Why is it important to observe an individual’s reactions during an interaction you have with them? By observing an individual’s reaction, i can ascertain if they are happy, satisfied, comfortable, sad, worried or agitated. This tells me if everything is okay with the service I am providing to the individual in general or not. (b) Explain the range of typical reactions to be aware of that will help indicate the effectiveness or potential barriers to achieving a successful interaction. Nodding of the head might let me know they understand what I am saying, body language e.g. sitting upright during interaction might mean that the person I am interacting with is interested in what I am saying while slouching may mean that the person is bored. Also,

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