Communication Breakdown Essay

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Response: Communication breakdown This essay will analyze strengths and weaknesses of the article. The article mentions many problems are caused by the development of technology. Firstly, Wanda Wright makes a strong point when it says using slang and abbreviations can prevent young people from communicate properly. Secondly, it has negatively impacted our ability to effectively send and receive messages as well as critical thinking skill and comprehension skill. Finally, it also affects the verbal and social skills of young people. The usage of slang and abbreviation may harm academic writing ability is one of the strong points. Indeed, with the growth and expansion of text messaging, a variety of abbreviations and slang have been created. Additionally, some slang and abbreviations are created by teenage so they are too new to elder people understanding. Therefore, the meaning of slang and abbreviations will be changed on the different people which may cause the block in communication. Another strong point of the article is a lack of face to face communication. In fact, real conversation is not always comfortable for teens so they prefer to converse by modern technology like email or community sites. Thus, when they are in the real conversation, they often translate the conversation into the short messages like a habit which may makes them speak influent and confuse on organize the ideas . In addition, it makes people decrease desire for face to face communication which results in loss of ability for face-to-face interaction in social life. To sum up, the article showed clearly the effect of using social network on young people’s communication by using slang and abbreviations. The article also has strength when it says young people today rely less on face-to-face communication and more on cell phones affected the verbal and social
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