Recognising and Responding to Concerns About Child Development.

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Recognising and Responding to concerns about Child Development Any concerns that staff may have about the development of children and young people should be reported. Recognising concern, allows staff /carers to intervene and help the child, and inform the parents of the concerns and possible solution for the problem. The quicker the issue is dealt with the better this is for the child’s development. Whereas if a problem is left unresolved or delayed, the more damaging this could be for the child’s development. Difficulty with reading and writing If a child is having problems with reading and writing this could cause concern. This could be recognised, as a child would be at a delayed rate to the rest of his/her peers. This could affect the child’s /young person’s behaviour/social development...Low self esteem and loss of confidence may be a result. With peers of the same being more advanced ridicule and bullying may result Learning to communicate is one of the main skills a child needs to help them develop in all areas. They can quickly fall behind from peers of the same age. They may find it difficult to interact and make friends with others who are more advanced. They may struggle with intellectual development memory and concentration. Delayed speech development A child who has limited or no speech could be a cause great concern. This would affect a child’s social and communication development as he/she would find it difficult to listen and speak to peers staff and carers this could also affect their behaviour possibly becoming frustrated and quite angry Whatever concern you have about a Childs development in any area, you should always share it with others. In primary school pupils, refer to the class teacher in the first instance, followed by the SENCO (Special Educational Needs Coordinator). In secondary schools you may wish to go straight to the
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