The Parent Trap, Clive Thompson

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Different studies show that there are a lot of differences between the 80’s generation and today’s generation. A few of these differences are that young people are more hyperactive, and can be focused on one thing for a certain timeframe. The major change between these generations is the impact of the new culture created by the modification of various factors. Young people (between the ages of 14-30yrs) are losing the ability to interact face to face or without the use of social media such as Facebook. This is not the case when comparing them to the previous generation. This is what Clive Thompson’s essay argues about, but instead of directly targeting young people, he blames parents, the society, and social networks. Indeed, when compared to the previous generations, parents and society were stricter. With the arrival of social networks, teens tend to spend more time on it rather than face to face. Because of the impact of the society and parents plus the evolution of new technologies, young people are less and less able to communicate face to face. Young people are losing the ability to socialize face to face because of parents and society. A few decades ago, parents and the society used to be more flexible about freedom. Nowadays, a lot of parents choose to “shortened the leash on their kids” by limiting their independence because they feel that it is the best way to protect their children from what is happening in the outside world such as child-abduction for example. Not only are parents stricter, but the actual society as well. Politicians and municipalities “crafted anti-loitering laws and curfews to keep young people from congregating alone” (“The parent Trap”, Clive Thompson). I agree that restricting teens from doing whatever they want whenever they want is a very good way to protect them. Unfortunately it has a huge influence on their behavior. For
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