Clara Barton Character Analysis

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“If there is no struggle there is no progress,” these words spoken by Fredrick Douglas, reflect the essence of my families’ motivation to stay strong and always peruse a better life. This quote is especially significant to me because it reflects my drive and passion to achieve my own dreams in life. My parents played a major role in inspiring me to help other people, and to work hard to achieve my goals; they thought me by example. I realized that I have been blessed to have the parents that I do. I deeply value what they have thought me: the strength, integrity, and compassion for others. although I wouldn't trade my parents for the world, if I had to select an alternate pair I would pick Clara Barton and Fredrick Douglas as my parents, because they share the same core values that my parents have thought me. The bravery and compassion Clara Barton demonstrated as humanitarian are characteristics that I would value in a mother. Fredrick Douglas's courage and strength are qualities that I admire in a father figure. These two remarkable individuals would service great role models for me as parents, which is why I choose them. If I were to choose a mother figure fore me I would definitely choose Clara Barton. To begin with, she has the characteristics that I would love to be passed on to me such as; her love towards her work and her…show more content…
Throughout this research I realized that character wise I am like Douglas I love taking risks, winning, and making a difference in the world, but for the feminine part and career speaking Clara Barton being my mother would have inspired me even more to further my education in becoming an Army nurse. Even though these historical figures are amazing people and they made great big changes I would trade my parents for anyone in the world I love them to death and I hope I will be a parent just like

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