Children Are Watching What They Eat

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Children Are Watching What They Eat A tremendous epidemic of unhealthy weight gain has been striking adolescent Americans today. Ideally, children of the Western World should be healthy and receive the best nutrition. Sadly, while children from third world counties are starving, American younglings are over stuffing themselves with fatty and high calorie foods. In the video Hungry for a Change it is explained Americans consume a great deal of calories but are not receiving the right nutrition resulting in many unhealthy lifestyles. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than one third of American children are obese because of these low nutritional and high fatty diets. Many children, as well as parents, who are affected don’t realize how much food advertisement plays a giant role in this problem. Young American children have become accustomed to making bad nutritional food choices because of the influence of television and social media advertising. Watching television is a big hobby among children these days and the television set has become a very common piece of equipment that Americans have in their households. It is astonishing how much time a child wastes by watching television. According to Time Magazine, children spend thirty-five hours in front of a television set every week. In one hour of a segment, there is about twenty minutes of commercial advertisement; the majority that is shown is of food advertisement. This means that children are constantly watching and viewing food for more than ten hours every week. These images that are seen by these younglings are not of fresh tasteful fruits, vitamin nourishing vegetables, or thirst quenching water. These big screen television sets show greasy calorie infested cheeseburgers, high sugared processed sweets, and sodium filled carbonated soft drinks. All the foods that we should eat
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