Child Care - Working with Parents

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Working closely with parents I believe that it is important to work closely with parents as partners in their child’s care and early education. This is important so that we all get a picture of the whole child and what they can do at home as well as during their time in different settings. Parents are the experts on their children and therefore, regular communication between parents and me is of the upmost importance. This can be done at a suitable time, either at drop off or pick up, over the phone or by email, depending on the parent’s needs. When parents and practitioners work together, it has been shown to improve children's cognitive, social and emotional outcomes. I am always respectful and non-judgemental of parent’s views and opinions and welcome any questions parents may have. I like to ask many questions about a child’s likes/dislikes, religious views, diet, and many more! At the initial meeting I will show parents the rooms and areas that the children will have access to, explain the kinds of activities that we do and show the parents my relevant qualifications and certificates. This is also a good time to go through the contract and make any mutually agreed adaptations. Families will be offered a settling in period of 4-6 weeks, depending on the child’s weekly hours, where contracts can be terminated by either party without notice. At the end of this period, I aim to meet with parents to discuss the settling in period and any concerns or matters that need to be discussed at this point. When assessing a child and developing their next steps, support from parents is crucial. To make accurate assessments, knowledge of what a child can do when they are at home is important, as they may demonstrate more at home than when at a different setting. All observations, assessment and next steps should be shared regularly with parents to keep every
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