Child Development Capstone

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God’s Little Angels Learning Center ECE 497: Child Development Capstone Course Due 16 September 2013 Welcome to God’s Little Angels Learning center. At this facility we utilize the Waldorf Education Method which was founded in 1919 by Rudolf Steiner and is based on understanding human development that addresses the needs of education (Why Waldorf Works). This is a dynamic facility which encourages growth, development, social skills, creativity, healthy living, musical skills and relationships. Our teachers and staff are committed to to providing excellent quality care, ad well as building healthy and positive relationships with and within families.…show more content…
There are several relationships that matter here: Parent- teacher, parent- child, teacher- child. They all should be equally yoked and the parent should realize that each of these relationships will be beneficial to their child. “ Several Studies show that when parents are positively involved in their child’s education that they achieve higher grade, test scores, perform better in school, and actually attend school” (Children, 2008). The children are more excited about learning and education because their parents show an interest in it. In the teacher- child relationship, the teacher can build the relationship by utilizing active listening skills, making direct eye contact, engaging in one on one and face to face interactions with the child. An activity to demonstrate the teacher-child relationship would be something like, Joseph is having difficulty deciding what to include in his summer picture. His teacher senses his frustration and asks his to name things that remind him of his summer vacation, Joseph answers, sun, swimming, and surfing. His teacher further structures the task by asking Joseph to choose one. With the teacher’s subtle guidance, Joseph chooses the sun and now must decide if he should use paints, watercolor, crayons, markers, or clay…show more content…
Children will have a one on one session with their teachers so that the teachers will be able to ask questions and so will the student. There will also be small assignments that will be completed in class as well as homework that is sent home so that the children can continue to practice their skills and continue to increase their learning curve. There will also be short question and answer sessions so that the teacher can make notations of where the children need more assistance. Each method will be used for each child. The teachers will observe the children during free play and during assigned activities so that they can make valid notations and observations about the cognitive development of the child. Reviewers will see the teachers engaged in conversation with the children about the tasks at hand as well as seeing the teacher observing the children engaged in activities with each other. There will be files kept on each child of their progress and on what they will receive extra help on. The folder will also include small observations like if the child shared with another student without being told to do so, or if the student assists another student willingly, all of this information will be available for the parents and

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