Charlotte True Buddha Temple

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Sonya Pool Ritual Site Visit Paper Melissa Maley REL-110-FJW03 1 May 2012 In our text we learn that Buddhism is a widespread religion founded by Siddhartha Gautama who was known as the Buddha. Today Buddhism is one of the largest religions in the world. There are many temples all over the United States where religion is being practiced. Charlotte True Buddha Temple is located at 5905 Monroe Road, Charlotte North Carolina 28212. If a person is not a Buddhist and they visited this temple, the service would be a great experience for them. The temple is a medium size one. I decided to visit it while in Charlotte with my family on spring break. As you pull up onto the grounds of the temple, Buddhist flags and statues are displayed all over the property. One main statue that stands out is the statue of Buddha lying down with his eyes closed symbolizing when he physically died and closed his…show more content…
In Christianity people worship God. In the Buddhist religion they do not really have a God that they worship. Some of the Buddhist members worship the Buddha even though that is not what the Buddha wanted them to do. He really wanted them to follow his teachings to reach a life of no suffering. This religion is also different from Christianity because in services there is a minister and deacons that lead the service. In the Christian service they also read the Holy Bible. One of the major differences in the two religions services is that in the Buddhist service they did not take up an offering. In the Christian religion they never go without taking up an offering. When prayer is done in the Christian churches they do not pray down on their knees, it is always standing up at the altar, or either at their seats with their heads bowed. English is the basic language spoken in the Christian churches. Also the Buddhist temple is totally different on the inside compared to one of the Christian
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