Challenges and Accomplishments

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Challenges and Accomplishments Accomplishing great things and working towards a stable future, has always been my main goal. There are many stereotypes about Latinos not succeeding and it’s my goal to break that stereotype. Even if I have to overcome many obstacles, I know I will get far in life. I was raised to work hard and succeed in everything I set my mind to. School has always been my main priority and job. I already feel I have accomplished greatness by working as hard as possible in school. Being at the top of my class and having a 4.0 GPA, amazes me. Knowing that I will graduate this year with outstanding achievements makes my family and I proud. Even though getting to where I am now has been hard and stressful, it will and is worth it. I’m very grateful for everything that I have and for the life that God has given me. My parents have always worked hard for us to be in the place we are now. But the past 2 years have been the hardest, my dad hasn’t been working and we’ve been struggling financially. Being a daughter to immigrants has been a challenge to overcome, because our main obstacle has always been money. It was bad to the point that I didn’t believe I could afford college. But there are so many opportunities for Latinas, and that we can attend college. We have managed and overcome so many challenges these past years, which have made me stronger and more appreciative of life and what I have. Everything that I have overcome, even if it doesn’t seem major, has made me stronger and more hard working towards my goals. I’ve accomplished to get into my top 3 universities: University of Texas at Arlington, University of North Texas, Texas Women’s University. And all that is holding me back is financial need. This scholarship is one step closer to a better future, not only for me but also my family. I’m proud to be a hardworking Latina and I want to be an

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