Why Do I Deserve to Be on the Honors Program

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I am deeply honored to be among the exemplary students who were chosen to become a part of the pioneer batch of the Honors Program of Enderun. I must admit that this is something that I have been looking forward to since the beginning of my college career. The Honors Program aims to recognize students with outstanding grades and commendable characters which I strongly believe that I both acquire. I believe that I deserve to retain my part on the Program because I have worked very hard and gave my very best to attain such standing. Looking back, there were several poignant moments when I was struggling with my classes and would have given up trying to achieve my goals. However, I chose to endure those moments because I believe that those challenges were there for my betterment. For example, my Accounting and Microeconomics class last semester served to be one of the greatest challenges I had to go through. There came a point when I almost failed several long tests and had a low grade in several class activities. The difficulty pushed me to work harder and harder. I can assert that my perseverance and the hard work that I devote in my studies will help me in maintaining good grades. I understand that personality and character are important factors for maintaining my position in the Honors class. Every single experience I had in life helped me define who I am. Every lesson learned, every obstacle surpassed, every success savored and every dream reached, added up to my own personal magnification. Every atom of all my life’s realizations and achievements has bequeathed great lessons that have characterized who I am and who I should be. Through my experience, I grew to become a risk-taker who always seeks to challenge myself by trying new things that would help develop my character and inner strength. Furthermore, I learned to maintain a positive attitude even
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