Chadwick a Balanced Scorecard

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Customer retention is one of the most important parts in keeping a company going strong. Chadwick must realize that the customer’s opinions, finances, and willingness to buy their products are significant in moving forward. One way that Chadwick can see what customers are thinking is to have a section on their website that allows them to ask questions about the products and to express their concerns about the products that might not be working. If the company provides this option on their website, the innovation and learning perspective can focus on ways to improve the products and keep the customers coming back for more. Another way to see what customers think of the company and its products is to ask them directly, whether it’s sending them a survey in the mail or asking them at the doctor’s office. These survey’s can include questions that refer to which products are effective and not effective, which products consumers tend to purchase, which products people can afford, ask if the products are delivered promptly, and ask whether or not they are satisfied with the service. Since Chadwick is always looking to grow in quarterly sales and increase market share, it is important to see what customers are willing to pay for and which products they are purchasing. It is also important to find out which products customers are not purchasing so Chadwick can take those items off the shelves and save money. Chadwick must also see who its target consumers are. They have to find out which age range, gender, and race purchase the products. In order to keep Chadwick’s customers coming back, Chadwick must provide them with the best products and services. Another great way to stay in touch with our customers is a loyalty program. It’s a great way to use the email marketing tool and Chadwick can send our loyal customers special offers and let them know about
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