Business Academic Misconduct Policy

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Academic misconduct in in place to serve great purpose and context for different reasons such as; Defining which actions constitute academic misconduct by students and describes the university's processes for investigating and hearing allegations of academic misconduct. it also describes the penalties that will apply, where allegations and proven. The policy is also a key components to the university's approach to ethical scholarship, which is students focused and aims to put in place any other aspect of studying ethically, learning ethical requirements of the professions the students wish to enter. The policy applies to all undergraduate and postgraduate students who are doing their studies in units of the university, this also includes overseas students. Where academic misconduct suspicion arises in significant research areas of undergraduate honours or postgraduate coursework programs, students will also be death with under this program. The policy only applies to alleged or proven academic misconduct, as defined in the policy. Other types of misconduct or misbehaviour will be dealt with by the staff in accordance with the misconduct. Academic Misconduct can be a result of one or more of the following. Plagiarism- occurs when a students submits work as their own without appropriate acknowledgement of the original author. Cheating - includes but not limited to copying another students work, communicating in exams, bringing into the exam textbooks, memorandum or other written material which is not authorised by the person who set the examination, not following the directions of the teacher which could include not obeying seating arrangements or movement about the examination room. Collusion is also classes as academic misconduct. Collusion is when two or more students act together to cheat, plagiarise or engage in academic misconduct or

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