Black Women In The Hotel Industry

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| Valerie C Ferguson | A Female Pioneer in the Hotel Industry | Shaun Williams | | HRM 310 Managing Hotel Operations | | Professor Krystal Peters 2/29/2012 Valerie C. Ferguson is a positive role model for black men and women around the world especially for today’s youth who are interested in a career in the Hospitality/Lodging Industry. She has a positive influence in today’s society and is constantly fighting for more people of color in the position of leadership in the Hospitality/Lodging Industry. Valerie, a native of San Francisco, never thought that she would be working in the lodging industry. After graduated in 1977, from the University of San Francisco with a BA in Political Science, Ferguson traveled to Atlanta looking for employment. She started off her career in the hospitality field working for the Atlanta Hyatt Regency, as a night auditor clerk making $2.90 an hour. She originally started working for the company to save money to achieve her goals to attend law school in California. What began as just a helping stepping stone to gain higher education became a successful career she enjoyed. She fell in love with the hotel industry and Atlanta and stayed on at the Hyatt for 18 years becoming a general manager for Flint Michigan, Atlanta and Chicago. I have a high regard for Ms Ferguson because, she is an ideal role model for young people today who want to be a part of this challenging but rewarding career. She actively participates within the community and is always fighting for African Americans, women, and other minorities, gainful employment in the Hospitality/Lodging Industry. She has encouraged other hotelier’s to search out our young men and women who represents the new workforce generation. Ebony named Ms Ferguson one of the “Top 100 Women in Corporate America”. In 1993, she was nominated Network of Executive

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