Bishop Noll Education Philosophy

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The importance of a Bishop Noll education this past year has surpassed my highest expectations. It has opened my eyes to the reality of what a great school can do for you both academically and spiritually. From the first day of school, the challenges & hurdles that have come my way have been great examples of what life has in store for me at the college level and in the future workforce. This philosophy is made clear at Bishop Noll, starting with the faculty, teachers, coaches and advisors. These values then get absorbed from every student and it becomes a trickled down affect that empowers us all. Bishop Noll has not only impacted my education, but me personally, as a Christian and using my catholic religion as the basis for my everyday…show more content…
Not only do I feel closer with God, but I feel closer with everyone, and I feel everyone is closer to me. Having a Catholic influence in the school gives me a sense of strength and a bond with everyone around, it is a feeling that I only share when I am at Bishop Noll or at home. My fellow classmen speak and talk with each other about our faith, and future, and this gives me hope and comfort. These next high school years are where I will start to figure out who I am, as a young lady and a future college graduate. I have become more studious and have placed a larger importance on my grades and how they impact my future. With the help from my guidance counselor thru the extra time my teachers take to help me when I’m struggling. I have realized my education is everything, being able to know things, will open my future. Bishop Noll is preparing me for college, to have a better future, and have a great career, to survive with using the knowledge obtained and the faith to carry on during the struggles in life. Graduating from Bishop Noll in 2017 is a goal I have to work for. It will be a proud moment in my family’s life as well as…show more content…
I would like to show my family that education is very important, because it doesn't only affect you but everyone that is surrounded by you. I would like to set an example for my little sister, and younger cousins, that anything is possible, and that your education sets a path for your future that if you have a bright future you can have a beautiful life. I would also like God to be proud of me as well. Bishop Noll Institute offers a challenging academic environment, I clearly see it in the upperclassmen’s attitudes and the standards that they set for me as a freshman this year. The more I know the better opportunities will come my way in the future. I am looking forward to become successful in life, because of Bishop Noll’s preparation & standards. I cannot wait to finally graduate with a diploma in my hand from all my hard work, and say I graduated from Bishop Noll Institute with an enormous sense of pride. Bishop Noll has made me realize, growing up is not always easy, but it’s an adventure to figure yourself out. So far, I already know my faith in God will forever be in my heart, I also know my passion for dance is forever, Bishop Noll has not only challenge me academically but in my extracurricular activates, like dance. I have been dancing for a long time, but I when I decided to try out for the dance team this freshman
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