My Successful Intellectual Development in College

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My Successful Intellectual Development in College After analyzing briefly what has attributed to my intellectual development in college, I realized that my mortal life experiences have been the main source starting from the first breath of air I inhaled after being conceived by my mother to this very moment in time of my life. “Rising and falling is a talent already within us. It started before we could walk or run,” (Winnie Sharp 2007). I believe that every choices and actions we make has attributed to our intellectual development, whether it is good or bad, and, thus, our very everyday experiences also attribute to our knowledge and growth. With regards to my parent’s teachings, I feel my conversion to membership in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, my missionary services to the church, and marriage to Julia have successfully developed my intellect in college. After my family emigrated from Laos to the United States in 1986, we were taught the gospel of Jesus Christ by missionaries, and were baptized members of the church in September 1986. At the time I was just 9 years-old. We attended church services regularly, and participated in most of the activities in the church. I made many good friends, and learned a lot about the church. Beside that, I was also in the scouting program where I learned many useful skills which I still find useful in my everyday life. Later, at the age of high school I also attended early morning seminary until I graduated in 1996. During these precious years of my life, my intellect began to be developed. I learned English quickly my first summer in the United States, enabling me to communicate with other people effectively. But most importantly, I was able to develop spiritually as I gain more knowledge of the gospel. I continuously tried to ponder the scriptures everyday so I can better understand my

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