Audacity Of Hope Book Review

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Chase Torrence English 155 Tu/Th: 11:00am Making a Change In the book, Audacity of Hope, author and United States President, Barrack Obama, captures the essence of unity and equality and offers ways of bringing about such ideas by suggesting for Americans to change the way they view one another and society; in order to create a better America. Obama brings up the issues of, politics, values, and race. These issues are the arguments he talks about in his book and the arguments he is addressing to the public. His arguments are arguments of politics and how it is corrupted, the argument of values and how one is to look at themselves and others around them, and lastly the argument on race and how we Americans must accept all race and all…show more content…
The endorsement groups offer bribes and ask for unnecessary promises to the politicians running for office. The temptation of falling into these traps is monstrous. According to Obama, these politicians feel that if they do not accept these bribes or arguments then they will lose out on endorsement deals as well as votes. Taking endorsements are not bad in anyway. However, a company endorses a certain individual for reasons such as political similarities or to help promote their product. When an endorser or multi-million dollar company begins to put pressure on their endorsees, then that is when issues has occured. The endorsers are supposed to be helping the politicians and in return they get more publicity which helps them become more recognize. Some endorses expect to be favored by their politicians and expect them to bend the rules for them. Obama states “I’ve never been entirely comfortable with the term “special interests… there’s a difference between a corporate lobby whose clout is based on money alone, and a group of like minded individuals coming together to promote their interests; between those who use their economic power to magnify their political influence far beyond what their numbers might justify, and those who are imply seeking to pool their votes to sway their representatives.” (116) Obama is simply stating that…show more content…
He even questions himself when he says “I wonder sometimes how things might have turned out had those ads actually run. Not so much whether I would have won or lost but rather how the voters would have perceived me…” (133) Obama just stated how he cares more about how the people views him rather than his endorsements and rather than him losing or winning. Obama has been very blunt about his passion of serving the people of the United States of America time and time again, and he believes every politician should hold that component lose to their hearts rather than taking these offers from endorsers and expecting “special interest” out of them. This can be prevented in the future if politicians would focus on the big picture of the people and how to better the country and the people rather than their political race. Not only focus and care about the people, like Obama displays, but also for the politicians to change their attitude and views. Obama suggest that “each would require a change in attitude among those in power. Each would demand that individual politicians challenge the existing order; loosen their hold on incumbency; fight with their friends as well with their enemies of abstract ideas in which the public appears to have little interest. Each would require from men and women a willingness to risk what they already have.” (134) According to Obama these
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