Describe Key Areas of the Selected Company's Code of Conduct That Are of Significant Importance to the Business, and Explain Why. Explain the Key Steps That the Company Should Take to Ensure That Employees Follow the

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Do you believe you can change the government for the better? Just wait until the next elections in the United States. There are political parties with ideas, who believe they can. Political parties are defined as an organized group of people with the same political aims and opinions, who seeks to change the public policy by having their candidates elected to the public office.The media ,Political Parties, Voters, and the Electoral Process are all connected, the next president of the United States will face a more difficult economic and fiscal situation than any President in recent memory. While some citizens would prefer that governmental leaders implement spending cuts while others would favor an increase in revenue, as a practical matter the country’s precarious financial situation cannot be addressed exclusively by just one of these options. (Bartels). The electoral process is rather difficult due to its complex organization. It requires the parties that share it to create valid political campaigns that would be quite persuasive. Usually, the election represents the competition between two major parties – the Democratic and Republican. However, there exist many third parties that constantly fail during the elections. One of the major differences between Democratic and Republican Parties concerns taxes and the economy. Democrats promote fair trade, balancing budgets, and believe in necessity to pay down national debt through enhanced taxes on higher income Americans (Parla). The Democratic Party states that the government has the possibility to create economic opportunities, help those people who suffer from current real estate crisis and prevent it in future. The Republican Party try to confine the federal government's spending despite the weak economic activity, and reform tax codes that would reduce the tax burden (Parla). They have strong conviction that

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