Attending College vs. Not Attending College

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Attending College vs. Not Attending College Ashley Jarolim COM/170 April 9, 2012 Joyce Cottonham “Attending College vs. Not Attending College” Some people decide that college is a great asset for their future careers. Others, on the other hand belief that good honest hard work will give them all the satisfaction they need. The disadvantages of not attending college far outweigh the advantages of getting an education. Many people often consider which is the best choice for them after graduating from high school, should they go to college or not? Whichever choice that anyone makes should always be a well thought out decision. No one should ever wake up and make a hasty decision about such an important factor in their life. People should always do research and seek counsel. The first question asked should be, “Is college a good choice or not?” It is one of the most popularly asked questions among young people about to graduate. One thing that needs to be thought about is will they get the training needed for their career of choice if they decide not go to college. Also, will college be worth all the time, money, energy, and effort put into it. Some people do not necessarily think that it is. College is a very important decision that requires extensive research and thought. When deciding to attend college, there are many things that need to be done to ensure that it will be an experience worthwhile. First, make sure you always maintain a good GPA. It looks good on your resumes and gives you higher honors when you graduate. Next, make sure to never take advantage of the time given. Always schedule a time to study what has been learned that day, and apply it in the appropriate ways. One thing that is always good to do, whether attending college or not, is to go above and beyond what is asked, or even what is required. Some cons of going to college might be:

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