Assignment 303 – Principles of Diversity, Equality and Inclusion in Adult Social Care Settings.

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Assignment 303 – Principles of diversity, equality and inclusion in adult social care settings. Task C- Ci – One challenge I have faced in my work as carer has been when having to promote religious festivals and practice. As an atheist and someone who has never been to church or someone who has any interest in religion I have found this difficult. Just like all people I have been brought up by different people in different surroundings and this can affect the way you work. As it is the morals and attitudes that we are taught that can stay with us through our working life. Different people see things differently for instance I as an individual may feel that it is fine for someone to wash only once in a day where as my company may insist that service users are given hygiene twice in one day. Also I may dislike reggae music but a service user may particularly like this, and I may feel the want to turn it off and play something else. However obviously this cannot happen. Through being a respectful person and taking an active interest in what the people within my care enjoy/celebrate/prefer then I can make sure that I do not discriminate against their choice of religion, their ethnic background or choices of leisure activities. By constantly keeping myself updated on care plans, guidelines, risk assessments then I will be well informed of any potential stumbling blocks. Attending training sessions will also help by raising my awareness of this too, by gathering information and actively taking part in sessions designed to help me understand and relate to others beliefs and values. It is also my job that when I have the information to help promote it within the care setting too, to make sure other employees are aware of it and the service users too. As each has different preferences and interests and these must be respected by each of them to their ‘housemates’

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