Assignment 1 Service Learning Plan

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Name: Katie Wright |Date: 9/19/2012 | | | | | Assignment Service Learning Plan, Part 1 Describe the service goals and action plan for your project. This is the first of many opportunities you will have on this project to express your youth voice. Make sure that this first planning step reflects your goals and your interests. Your teacher will notify you about the due date for the assignment and whether the assignment will be graded. Use the rubric at the end of the assignment as a guideline to help you complete this part of your Service Learning Plan. When you are finished, submit…show more content…
Describe your specific goals and outcomes. 1. What do you plan to achieve by the end of your project? 2. What activities or tasks will you perform? 3. What are the visible outcomes? 4. In a sentence or two, describe how these goals are valued by the community you serve. C. Describe your action plan. 1. Where will you conduct the activity? 2. What are the steps required to accomplish your goals? 3. What is a realistic time line for reaching this goal? (Set mini-goals for completing each of the steps, so you know you are on…show more content…
Are there other considerations? Do you need to get other people to work with you? Do you need supplies? How will you pay for them? (e.g., get a business to donate supplies or to sponsor your project) Rubric: Use this rubric as a guideline for completing Part 1 of your Service Learning Plan. Part 1: Service Goals |Criteria |Student Completion | |Supply Community Partner contact information. |All information supplied. | |Describe the service to be performed. |Described the specific community need and explained the larger societal issue. | | | | | |Included a time commitment and dates of services. | | |
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