Assessment Criteria 1.2 Growth Spurts During Life

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UNIT 1 Assessment Criteria 1.1.1 HL/0023465 Birth to 1 year Physical There are 2 growth spurts during life, one of these occurring in the first year. When a baby is born its’ head is approximately ¼ the length of the whole body, and as wide as its’ shoulders. Weight wise although there is a slight decrease initially, on average the baby should gain around 1oz per day increasing after 3 months of age to about 2-3oz per day. Height wise there is an increase of between 1-1.5 inches per month. During this first year vision, hearing and taste are still developing. Motor skills develop so the baby can wriggle about, reach for objects, roll over, crawl and even begin to play with toys.…show more content…
At around 1 year old some baby fat gets replaced by muscle whilst legs and arms lengthen, by 2 years old arms and legs become more slender, and movement becomes more adult like. Control of bowels and bladder are usually in place by the time the child is 3. Intellectual/ Between the ages of 1-3 children develop a sense of self. By Congitive giving children some space it enables them to make their own choices and decisions. This can lead to a build up of self esteem and confidence. At 1 year a child can name common objects as well as people and may choose to ignore the word ‘No’. By 2 years simple instructions can be followed and colours can be recognised. Colours and shapes can be sorted plus 2 part directions can be followed by the age of 3. Communication At 1 year 2 words can be put together with about 6 words which are recognised and 70 known. By 2 years 2-3 word sentences are formed with a better understanding of grammar and clearer pronounciation of words. By 3 years longer sentences are are formed now about 900 words are known though only about 300 are spoken. Sentences are spoken using one or more
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