Child Development 102

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Child Development 102 What Have You Learned? Chapter 5 Body Changes, Brain Development, Sensation and Movement, Surviving in Good Health 1. What specific facts indicate that infants grow rapidly in the first year? Infants double their birth weight by the fourth month, triple by age one. Physical growth can slow down. At about 2 years old they are about half of their adult life and about 1/5 their adult weight. Also about 4 times heavier than they were at birth. 8. How can pruning increase brain potential? The brain produces dendrites which in an expansion of experiences provided with input to the brain can assist in not having the dendrites not wither away. 9. What is the difference between experience-expectant and experience-dependent…show more content…
What is the effect of stress hormones on early brain development? The brain may have an overproduction of the stress hormones causing the child to be hyper vigilant (always on alert) or may have less production of the hormones causing child to be emotionally flat (never happy, sad or angry). Chapter 6 Sensorimotor Intelligence, Information Processing, Language: What Develops in the First Two Years? 1. Why did Piaget call his first stage of cognition sensorimotor intelligence? Infants learn through senses and motors skills that were developing before birth and continue to develop through infancy. 7. Why is becoming bored a sign of infant cognitive development? During the sixth stage of a toddler’s development they begin to solve simple problems using combinations, intellectual experimentation, using imagination, always exploring or pretending. Using deferred imitation. 13. What is the crucial difference between implicit and explicit memory? Implicit is hidden memories that occur with certain stimulus and Explicit is verbal memory recalled on
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