Application of Ecological Perspective on the Impact of Individual to the Environment and How the Environment Influences and Individual

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Introduction This is a group work of a case study involving of a servicer known with mental health illness in Croydon, known as Percy (not a real name). In this case study there are number of theoretical areas and relevant literature research to be drawn. The work explores on the application of ecological perspective on the impact of individual to the environment and how the environment influences and individual. The application of anti-oppressive frameworks is discussed in the case study while drawing from research and literature relevant to the case study. Particular demands raised in regards to professionalism in relation to the case study will be discussed Group Work This work done in a group work, number of aspects was drawn. Communication was central aspect in the group work. As a group we established a network of effective ways that will enable us to communicate to each other. We agreed of various methods through emails, phone and also face to face, thus meeting. (Thompson, 2005, Koprowska, 2005 and Seden et als, eds. 2011) describe communication as a key element in social work practice. The manner in which one communicates whether verbal or non-verbal was important in the group; effective communication involves listening and organising ones thought before speaking, ‘communication and relationship skills remain at the heart of social work practice.’ (Seden, et al, eds, 2011, 55). Hence communication forms important part of this case study as it links various social networks involved with the service user, thus the GP, transportation network, local Mind project as a centre for supporting people with mental health. Further, team work played an important role in helping us gathering information as we shared tasks to different individuals in the group, which resulted to a positive outcome. However, I think that we needed a team coordinator to organize and

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