Ancient Greek Legacy Analysis

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A History of Ancient Greece Legacy Author: Robert Guisepi Date: 1998 A Vital Legacy The final complexity in dealing with classical Greece (and then Rome) involves its relationship to us - to contemporary residents of North America. For most Americans, Greece constitutes the first phase of "our own" classical past. The framers of the Constitution of the United States were intensely conscious of Greek precedents. Designers of public buildings in the United States have dutifully copied Greek and Roman models. Plato and Aristotle continue to be thought of as founders of our philosophical tradition, skillful teachers still imitate the Socratic Method in seeking dialogues with students, and reliance on scientific methods of inquiry…show more content…
An initial aristocratic tone, though often modified, had demonstrated continued validity even in democratic centers such as Athens. Greek aristocrats could agree on the need for wise political service and devotion to political life. Some of their ideals had extended to a wider group of citizens and underwrote the intense political loyalties of the city-states. At the same time, other political trends had modified aristocratic rule, particularly through the advance of democracy. Greek political and economic control had spread widely along the eastern and northern coasts of the Mediterranean, and around the Black Sea. And temporary union among the Greeks had pushed back the Persian advance, where defeat would have opened quite a different chapter in Mediterranean history. Yet the Greek political structure was also fragile. With so many different government units, division could easily override common purpose. Diversity also produced animosity, with democrats and aristocrats glaring at each other both within and among poleis. A new and bitter conflict between the leading states set the stage for declining political vigor within Greece itself. Athens vs.
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