A Written Report of a Discussion on the Rise of Hitler and the Nazi Party 1918-1933.

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Gareth Parker. A Written Report Of A Discussion On The Rise Of Hitler and the Nazi Party 1918-1933. Identify and comment upon the key weaknesses of the Weimar system of government. The Weimar Republic was born in a time of great turmoil and struggle, encountering many problems throughout its sixteen year history. Possibly the greatest vulnerability was 'the weakness within' - the constitution gave the President, the states and the military too much control, whilst proportional voting meant that the Reichstag was separated and weak. There was no single party in complete control and parties had to join together to form a government. However, each party had different goals which caused in-fighting and instability making it difficult for the Reichstag, with its many changes in power, to govern effectively. This was reflected in 376 political assassinations up to 1923. From the start there was economic instability because of the cost of World War One and there was widespread disillusion within the German people. The public did not support the Weimar, and the administrative branch of the government, including the Judiciary, also teachers did not back it up either. Mass unemployment, damages to the infrastructure also from World War One, and the demand for reparation payments put lots of pressure on the inexperienced democracy. Not only in Germany, but all over Europe, fundamental and anti-democratic movements gained support. 2. Outline and explain the historical context, i.e. key events associated with Weimar Germany, during the years 1918-1924. The Treaty of Versailles is possibly one of the key causes of grievance in post-war Germany, and a significant contributor to the rise of the Nazi Party. The Treaty itself forced several requests on Germany, the main ones were: War reparations- 226 billion marks, later reduced to 132 billion marks (Hemsley, t. 2008); The
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