The Fall Of The Roman Empire

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The Fall of The Roman Empire The Roman Empire was once the world’s most powerful and prosperous empires of its time. It thrived in every aspect that an empire needs to run successfully. They lived in peace for nearly two centuries that they called Pax Romana. During the third century, the Roman Empire began to decline in drastic ways that would soon lead to its destruction. Many have come to the question: What were the contributing factors to the fail of the Roman Empire? Political downfall, social wrecking, economic destruction, and military confusion brought on the collapse of the Roman Empire. What was once a thriving republic that the public knew and loved turned into an unjust and corrupted empire and with it brought confusion. Julius Caesar, a military leader, had earned the support and trust of Rome and was appointed dictator. Caesar would later destroy what was left of the republic. Over the years as an empire, the political system appeared to be a ball and chain to the public. “ The political office was seen as a hardship, not an asset to the public. There was nearly constant warfare among the Roman leaders themselves in the century leading up to 31 B.C., when the Roman Empire was established. One of the most difficult problems was choosing a new emperor. Eventually, the throne went to the highest bidder. With the corruption within the empire, it would only grow weaker every day.”[1] The disapproval in government by the people of Rome brought on civil war. After the assassination of emperor Severus Alexander, a 50-year civil war would erupt and bring confusion to the empire. “In what sometimes has been called the ‘military anarchy’, the fifty years following the murder of emperor Alexander Severus in AD 235 saw reins of Roman power pass through the hands of no fewer than twenty legitimate emperors and a host of usurpers, between them each
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