Advertising In School

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Tu Nguyen English 101 In-school Advertising In past few decades, the advertising industry has been developing massively all over the world. This development has really big impacts on many other industries such as entertaining and mass media. Currently, the advertising industry is dramatically moving into education system- schools, particularly in underfunded schools. Since 1990, commercial activity in schools has risen 473 percent (Molnar). Recently, the issue of that whether in-school advertising should be banned or restricted has been widely debated. This controversial issue has attracted a lot of attentions because there are many different opinions about in-school advertising. Some say the in-school advertising doesn't do any harm but raises funds for schools and brings public knowledge to children . However, in-school advertising could be extremely dangerous because it could make children both physical and cognitively unhealthy. While there are many disadvantages from allowing advertising in school, many people argue that revenue from in-school advertising can maintain the quality of education during budget crisis. The budget crisis forces schools to reduce their education facilities.The author Samuel informs that, “The situation in the Orange County district, which has seen its budget drop from $46 million to $41 million. Orange County schoolofficials, district leaders elsewhere are having to cut programs once thought untouchable, expand class sizes, reduce basic transportation and schoolsports, and, in some cases, even shorten the school year” ( 8 ).That means students in that school don't have the best education due to budget cut. Thus, most school leaders find that allowing advertising is a promising business because it raises a lot of money. According to Bazar,“The Arizona city just outside Phoenix began displaying ads on the sides

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