Music Education In The Elementary Classroom

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The education system has become a monopolizing subject across the United States. So many questions have been raised about what is good to teach, and how those subjects should be taught. Many schools are the pressure of bettering their education system, but tend to find they are also dealing with the trials of having to drop certain subjects in order to focus more intently on the ones deemed most important. Unfortunately, in today's society, the fine arts programs of the school systems have been neglected and even underdeveloped. What many educator's may not realize is that a well-organized and well developed fine arts program can be the difference maker in a child’s learning ability and capability. Even though music has been a part of the school system since the middle 1800's, it has rapidly grown in its development. Lowell Mason introduced vocal education into the school system and that gradually progressed to the curriculum that we now teach today. Since the 1960s, it has also brought a focus onto teaching children developing concepts about music, and also developing concepts that connect to other learning disciplines. (Lindeman and Hackett, p2) Despite this growth, many systems have not given their programs the ability to grow to their fullest potential. Simply stated: the presence of music in the school system, especially the elementary ages, will give the students a change to connect, ignite a spark and give them some sort of excitement and curiosity to explore the world of music. It is a significant contribution to the complete education of the student. (Hacket, pg. 4). The question still stands, though. Many people want to know why music is important that it should be taught in the classroom. Simply, it’s worth knowing! Both Plato and Socrates have validated this point throughout their writings. Plato was quoted “In order to take the spiritual

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