Achievement Motivation Essay

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------------------------------------------------- Achievement Motivation This theory links personality and competitiveness. It refers to an individual’s interaction with the environment and their desire to succeed. Atkinson suggested an individual’s level of motivation depends on a combination of personality and situational factors. Atkinson suggests that there are two personality factors contributing to achievement motivation: the need to achieve (Nach) the need to avoid failure (Naf). Either type of behaviour is likely to occur when the individual is in an evaluative situation (where they are judged). As a result sport, where evaluation of performance is frequent, attracts more Nach personalities. Nach personalities are characterised by: * ____________________________________ * ____________________________________ * ____________________________________ * ____________________________________ * ____________________________________ * ____________________________________ Naf personalities tend to: * ____________________________________ * ____________________________________ * ____________________________________ * ____________________________________ * ____________________________________ High Nach TAS: Tendency to approach success Low Naf High Naf TAF: Tendency to avoid failure Low Nach ------------------------------------------------- Influences on Achievement Motivation Achievement Motivation is influenced by the performer’s perceptions of: 1. Probability of succeeding on the task (situation, opponent, ability) 2. The importance of the task/incentive value of success (winning would mean a lot or very little) HIGH LOW Incentive value of success Probability of success HIGH
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