A Practical Guide To Ethical Decision Making

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A Practical Guide to Ethical Decision Making: Faculty Edition Academic Dishonesty- Test Though you work to really teach your students throughout your semester-long course, it is often necessary to gauge their progress in your classroom through the use of tests or quizzes. Despite a rigorous honor code that hangs in every classroom, there are still instances of cheating at Elon University. Because every teacher currently handles each situation differently, we are trying to create an assumed response so students know exactly what to expect if they take the risk of cheating. If you notice a student cheating in class on an exam, please conduct yourself in the following manner: 1. Because it is important to take into consideration the positive and negative effects your reaction will have on everyone involved, you must remain calm and not disturb the class. Upon turning in the exam, politely ask the student if they will stay after the last person finishes taking their exam. If you create a scene, not only will it interrupt the other students who were not cheating, it could also have a negative effect on their test score. 2. Explain to the student how the honor code system works at Elon University and allow him or her an opportunity to tell you that they were cheating. It is best to treat the student in an unthreatening, professional manner. Professionally, it is your duty to remain in control and calm. Though it may be insulting that a student attempted to cheat in your class, treating them poorly will not change the fact that they have cheated. A Practical Guide to Ethical Decision Making: Faculty Edition 3. After confirming that the student has cheated, we encourage you to follow the appropriate procedures set forth by the Office of Judicial Affairs and the Honor Board. 4. It is also suggested to discuss with the student why they cheated. If they
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