331 Understand Child and Young Person Development

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Assignment 331 Understand Child and young person development Outcome 1: Physical Development Communication development •Cries in different ways when wet, cold or hungry •Use babbling sounds •From 1-2yrs is able to say names of common objects •Wave bye-bye •2-3 yrs they are able to repeat nursery rhymes and can hold short conversations •Can talk fluently asking and answering questions •beginning to understand time and can talk of past, present and future events •Able to tell stories •Large vocabulary •Talks constantly Social, emotional and behavioural development •More responsive to primary carer •imitates movements •Draws away from strangers •Enjoys interaction with familar adults •Begins to have temper tantrums •Sucks thumb •Fears loud noises •Enjoys listening to stories •Shows lots of emotions by laughing, shouting and squealing •Developing independence •Anxious to please •Able to leave primary carer for short periods of time •Starts to understand right from wrong •learns to share, accept rules and take turns •Easily embarrassed •Boys start to identify more with father •Responds less to directions •Starts to experience guilt or shame •Enjoys more responsibility •Makes friends easily •More argumentative •Starts becoming more independent and trustworthy •Starts to develop their own style •More interested in competitive games •Worries more especially school Assessment criteria Birth to 3 years •Grasps objects •Develops motor control: balances head, rolls over, pulls itself to a sitting postion. •Learns to crawl and walk. •Unable to control when to go to the toilet. •Begins to understand familar words •Begins to feed itself with a spoon •2-3 yrs able to run, kick, throw a ball •Likes to scribble •Begins to control bowels •Can ride a tricyle •Enjoys playing with mud, sand and finger paints •Dress themselves quite well •Able to go to the toilet more independently
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