Communication Development 0-19

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ommunication Describe the expected pattern of children and young peoples communication development from birth to nineteen years. Communication development it anything to do with our speech and language development, the way we interact with the world around us, gather information, social awareness of situations and how to conduct ourselves when building relationships, among other things. Birth - 4 Months: • Coos, then babbles. These first sounds, apart from crying are intentionally made to show pleasure. Crying with different tones and intensities communicates a need or unhappiness. • Begins to make vowel sounds. They cannot make sense of language yet but can understand tone, volume and pitch in familiar voices. • Recognise voices and noises that they commonly heard when in the womb. • They start to gain control of their speech muscles and a grasp of auditory feedback which begins to familiarize them with the basic sounds of language. • Learns to laugh, both spontaneously and responsively. • Responds to familiar sounds and voices by turning to look for them. • By now can recognise and distinguish their parents voices to those of others. • Is able to communicate by clicking tongue and gurgling as well as cooing and crying. • By 4 months, they can start to fit their responses to the parents speech rythms and body language. 5 - 8 Months: • Can make three or more sounds in one breath. • Says about two separate sound syllables. • Recognizes and responds to their own name. • Vocalizes more for attention. • Responds to voices and sounds out of sight and looks for the source of unfamiliar sounds. • Laughs, coos and gurgles with familiar people when in play. (Play communication) 9 months - 1 Year: • Listens and responds to familiar words. • Imitates sounds, words and mouth expressions. • Says
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