Describe the Expected Pattern of Children and Young People's Development from Birth to 19 Years

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0 to 3 years: Physical Development: Rapid development of gross motor skills and fine motor skills leading to crawling and mobility followed by improvement of skills for eye and hand co-ordination. Communication and Intellectual Development: Adult communication with babies should lead to speech and an increase in their vocabulary as well as the successful use of negatives and plurals in their speech patterns. Social, Emotional and Behavioural Development: Children begin to form their individual identities and develop emotional attachments the earliest of which is likely to be with parents and carers. 3 to 7 years: Physical Development: More co-ordinated movements leading to running, kicking and even better eye and hand co-ordination leading to drawing and writing. Communication and Intellectual Development: Children will have the ability to phrase questions and be able to use past and future tense in their communications as well as improvements with writing and numeracy. Social, Emotional and Behavioural Development: Further development of individual identity and socialising using imaginative play. 7 to 12 years: Physical Development: Controlled fine movement leading to sewing or being able to play musical instruments. Communication and Intellectual Development: By this stage most children will be fluent speakers of their native language and be refining their reading and writing skills as well as being able to phrase and discuss abstract ideas Social, Emotional and Behavioural Development: Development of friendships and problem solving abilities. 12 to 18 years: Physical Development: Puberty and hormonal changes often leading to disparity between strength in boys and the onset of menstruation in girls. At age 16 many girls have reached physical maturity but boys will continue to develop until the age of 20. Communication and Intellectual Development: Young
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