20th Century Immigrants

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Immigrants and their Contribution on the 20th Century America Over the past 300 years, immigrants of different ethnicity, culture and religion had immigrated to the United States of America to seek for economic opportunities and to free themselves from political persecutions. Majority of Americans view immigration as a threat to national security and should be strictly prohibited. Moreover, citizens also deny the nonimmigrant admissions to the nation. However, Americans tend to ignore the importance of immigrants’ effects on wages, jobs and annual budgets. The hail of immigrants fluctuates the nation not only economically but also educationally. Their long sets of skills had not only brought up new innovations but also encouraged people to…show more content…
Fortunately, “low-skilled immigrants usually fill gaps in American labor markets and generally enhance domestic business prospects rather than destroy jobs; this occurs because of an important phenomenon, the presence of what are known as “complementary” workers, namely those who add value to the work of others.” (Cowen, 2010) In addition to investing and starting new businesses, immigrants filled in jobs of different pay-rate and skill spectrums where a high percentage of Americans do not want to fill. Many jobs that requires long set of working hours are often taken by immigrants. Americans are least likely to take low-skilled jobs and it is the immigrants who take those jobs. Thus, it is often found that majority of low-skilled jobs are taken by immigrants. With less opportunity and benefits for them, immigrants are encouraged to take any job available to them. In addition, it is least likely for most of the immigrants to get high paid jobs when they first immigrated mainly because of communication barriers. In order to get high-paid jobs immigrants start to focus on education and eliminate the…show more content…
In other words, “immigrants bring innovative ideas and entrepreneurial spirit to the U.S. economy.” (Griswold, 2002) Compared to the 1900s, Chinese immigration in the United States of America had transformed from 3% to almost 55% today. Chinese immigrants brought different set of skills and helped the nation built railroads which became one of the most valuable assets that America had used to build up the economy. According to US Patent and Trademark office, only 268,782 patents were signed by US origins compared to 274,033 of patents signed by immigrants in 2012 (PTMT, 2013).This strongly suggests that economic and technological improvements are brought up by the immigrants. “Twenty-five percent of engineering and technology companies started in the past decade were founded by immigrants” (Wadwha, 2007). Over the years, high percentage of Indian immigrants ruled the technological companies for they are highly talented in engineering and exceptionally smart in Math. It is also found that immigrants are more motivated at work and have positive attitude towards
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