3.3 Help Young People To Understand And Respect Other People's Feelings

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3.3 Help children and young people to understand and respect other people’s feelings and points of view. Children and young people need to learn to understand and respect the feelings, emotions and behaviours of others to help them gain an understanding about their actions and consequences. Young children might find this difficult as their understanding will not be as developed enough for them to put themselves in the position of others, but as children grow and learn they gain a greater experience of this and often older pupils will enjoy opportunities to debate and discuss different points of view in lesson time and in social situations. We often speak to them in school about thinking of the consequences of their actions and how they might have affected others. Ways in which my workplace helps young people to consider others feelings * Books, stories, magazines, literacy reading times and interaction through reading. Eg, asking questions about characters in the story, checking understanding of the story and anticipating what will happen next, and how this will affect the main character etc. * Assemblies, themed assemblies and whole school activities. Sometimes visitors come into school to host assemblies about a wide range of topics, these visitors can sometimes start fund raising within the…show more content…
Play times are a common place where staff encourage young people to understand and respect other peoples feelings and points of view because it is often a place where incidents can occur between children, sometimes misunderstandings and fall-outs can take place where staff have to step in, listen to both sides, and encourage the students to come to a fair agreement, and to also help them understand wrong and right, and the effects they have on
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