201 2.1 Describe the Kinds of Influences That Can Affect a Child’s or Young Person’s Development with Regard to: (C) Environment

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201 2.1 Jean Taylor Describe the kinds of influences that can affect a child’s or young person’s development with regard to: (C) Environment [pic] [pic] [pic] ----------------------- Environment in young children babies who are born into poverty can be smaller then other children of same age and have more heath issues. Wealthy environment can be bad to for babies as parents can afford to employ some one to look after them and they will not always show them love Mentally or violent environments can cause children to have behavioural problems as they don't know how to cope or change what is happing. Violent' actions can lead to more violent actions. Environment middle age children 6 to 13 Children of this age can have self esteem issues as having no money can mean they can not do things their peers do and lack of food can affect contraction Children of this age can have all they want brought for them but if they are just left on their own without parents input they are missing out on life's important things parents can share with them Negative environment can harm as it causes a feeling of negativity instead of joy which can lead to emotional distress. Environment 14 up wards At this age if a child has not been able to move away from poverty area then their life will be fighting to improve it on little money and a lot of hope At this age the lack of parents input can course problems, emotionally and they don't always understand how money works as they have always been given it. Most would rather have parents love then money. Restricted environment can stop children becoming all they can be and cause disruptive and emotional behavioural outbursts or go the other way and can close inside them

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