Effects Of Divorce On Children

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The Effects of Divorce on Children “Nearly half of the children born to married parents in this country go through a divorce experience before they are 18—about one million children each year.” (Clarke-Stewart and Brentano 106). This statistic may come as a shock to most Americans. Even though divorce is increasingly common and acceptable in US culture, many people do not consider the large amount of children impacted by the loss of traditional family structures. With increased divorce in the USA, some children are not receiving a quality upbringing due to overly dependent parents,_ lack of guidance, and the loss of ties to close family. “It is overburdening that seriously inhibits a child’s freedom to separate normally and to lead a healthy adolescence.” (Wallerstein, Lewis, and Blakeslee 9). After a divorce parents tend to rely very heavily on their children. This can create positive or negative results. It is helpful to a child to feel important and more grown up. In moderation, the tendency for divorcees to rely on their children can foster self-sufficiency and maturity. Unfortunately some parents lose perspective. They may start to treat their children as friends or mentors, asking their children for advice on where to live, how or whom to date, where and when to work, and whether to get remarried. Adults going through divorce seem to forget sometimes that a child’s knowledge is limited. “When a child forfeits her childhood and adolescence to take on the responsibilities for a parent, her capacity to enjoy her life as a young person, develop close friendships, and cultivate shared interests is sacrificed.” (Wallerstein, Lewis, and Blakeslee 9). When adults lean too heavily on their children, those children start to focus on taking care of their parents and may neglect their own needs. Essentially, children start to take on the role of the parent.
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