Factors Which Cause Educational Underachivement in Ehtic Minority Groups

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As Item A shows, ethnicity can affect educational attainment. When looking at why this happens you need to explore the inside and outside school factors which could push or limit certain ethnic minority groups in education. As the source states, the general trend is that Chinese and Indian pupils perform the best and Bangladeshi, Pakistani and Afro-Caribbean pupils perform worse. Outside school factors could explain why this is often the case. Many EMGs are classed as working class families meaning social deprivation can often happen. The lack of money can often mean that families cannot afford the extra things which may aid their child in education. These are things could be as simple as books or stationary or not owning a computer, therefore having no access to the internet. As working class EMG families are on low incomes, children may not have the same experiences as working class children, missing out on holidays and trips to places such as museums and galleries. Many EMG children also do not have that initial push of how important education is for them. They may have a fatalistic view on where they see themselves fitting into to society which may rub on to their children. Sugarman did a lot of research on this and found it as being one of the top reasons why children can fail in education. Children who believe their future is already predetermined will not put as much focus on education as they think they will only get working-class jobs. As parents may be new to the UK or not speak English they may not understand the educational system and the application process. If parents do not understand the system fully they may miss out on getting their children into the better schools that can offer the child more opportunities. Bernstein’s idea of language codes can also explain why some EMG are doing worse. Many Afro-Caribbean, Pakistani and
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