Outline Some of the Ways in Which Cultural Deprivation May Lead to the Educational Underachievement of Working Class Pupils

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Outline some of the ways in which cultural deprivation may lead to the educational underachievement of working class pupils (12 marks) Cultural deprivation is the idea that the culture of low income groups is deprived or deficient in certain aspects which accounts for low educational achievement. Educational underachievement is when pupils fail to reach their full potential and meet their aspired grades. This essay will outline some of the ways in which cultural deprivation can lead to the educational underachievement of working class pupils. One way in which cultural deprivation may lead to educational underachievement is due to the lack of intellectual stimulation that working class parents have on their children. It has been found that working class parents are less likely to give their children educational toys or read to them. They also have less stimulation on thinking and reasoning skills. This has a negative effect on the intellectual development of their children; therefore when working class pupils begin school, they are at a disadvantage compared to middle class pupils, whose parents have a high intellectual stimulation on their children. However, the gap between middle class advantage and working class disadvantage is narrow and so this may not have as much of an impact as implied. Another way in which cultural deprivation may lead to educational underachievement is due to the different speech codes used by middle class and working class people. Working class people use the restricted code which is less analytical and more descriptive, with a limited vocabulary. Whereas middle class people use the elaborated code which is more analytic with a wide vocabulary and more complex sentences. Due to working class pupils using the restricted code, this puts them at an educational disadvantage as it is the elaborate code that is used in education, by teachers,
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