Using Material from Item a and Elsewhere, Assess the Importance of Cultural Factors in Causing Social Differences in Educational Achievement

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Some sociologists believe that cultural factors are the most important cause of social differences in educational achievement, but this is not the only factor that causes a difference, Material Depravation can affect educational achievement in other ways. There are three main factors of Cultural Deprivation: Intellectual development, Language and Attitudes and Values. Sociologists such as JWB Douglas (1964) and Herbert Hyman (1967) believe that cultural deprivation factors are the most important cause for social class difference in educational achievement. Douglas found that working-class pupils scored on average, lower than those from a middle-class background. He argues that this is due to working-class parents being less likely to support and encourage their child’s intellectual development at home, therefore they are intellectually deprived compared to the middle-class pupils they are at school with. Sociologists such as Douglas believe that working-class homes often lack the books, educational toys and activities that would stimulate a child’s intellectual development. Language is another factor that is believed to create a social class difference. Basil Bernstein (1975) identified a language difference between the middle-class and working-class. He said the working-class are more likely to use the ‘restricted code’ which include limited vocabulary and is based on the use of short and unfinished, grammatically simple sentences, whereas the middle-class are more likely to use the ‘elaborated code’ which includes a wider range of vocabulary and is based on longer and grammatically more complex sentences. The third factor is Attitudes and Values, where Hyman believes that the values of the working-class are a more ‘self-imposed barrier’ to educational and career success. He says that the working-class subculture encourages fatalism and collectivism,
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